The PR Engine

Take the confusion and stress out of content creation for the next 90 days!

From planning and posting, to building your following and email list!

Overwhelmed by social media?

No idea what to post but know you need to grow your email list?

While we know social media is a useful tool to help you grow your business and create visibility, but it can also be overwhelming if it’s not something you’ve done before, or if you're a bit stuck with knowing what to post.

Many of my clients are busy business owners with busy lives who are new, or relatively new, to digital marketing and with it, social media, so I am often asked about how they can be more visible on social media so they can get in front of their ideal clients.

Where do you start? How do you plan your content? And how on earth do you come up with new, fresh and interesting content, never mind making it go viral!   

Which is why I’m soooo excited to introduce:

The Essential Social Media Visibility Bundle!

It’s designed to take the confusion and stress out of planning your content for the next 30-90 days and beyond. These workbooks take you through the process of brainstorming, planning and posting giving you step by step guidance, with examples thrown in to help your creativity too. 

I hope these planners and tools help give you direction while feeling supported and guided so that you start getting visible and see all the benefits from using social media for your business too!

Here's what's inside

90 Day Visibility Game Plan

We start by developing your overarching master plan for the next three months.  Use this workbook to look at your vision; the smaller, more achievable actions needed and keeping track of results.

Content Planning Day

Use this workbook to help you brainstorm and plan out your content so that you always know what to share, when and how, without getting overwhelmed or stuck!

30 Day Social Media Content Planner

This workbook will help you plan, create and publish 30 days of amazing social media content - and you can use it over and over again! It even helps you track your results so you can see what’s working and what’s not.

14 Days of Social Media Content Ideas

We get you started with two weeks worth of content examples so you’re warmed up for your brainstorming exercise.

Instagram, Pinterest and TikTok Planners

These planners help you plan out each individual post you’re going to create on a variety of platforms.


Essential Social Media Visibility Bundle


(Worth a total of £250)

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