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When to Use a Press Release

July 05, 20233 min read

You can’t sell anything if you can’t tell anything.” - Beth Comstock

Press releases are an essential tool in a modern entrepreneur's arsenal, enabling you to effectively communicate your brand's news and stories to a wider audience. Whether it's a product launch, a funding announcement, or a significant milestone, a well-crafted press release can help entrepreneurs generate media coverage, enhance your brand image, and attract attention from key stakeholders.

These are the different times you’ll use a press release to spread your news and key messages.

1. Product or Service Launches, Changes, or Improvements

Press releases are invaluable when introducing a new product or service to the market. They allow you to create buzz, generate media coverage, and build anticipation among potential customers. Additionally, press releases can be used to announce significant changes or improvements to existing offerings, showcasing innovation and attracting attention from industry experts and customers alike.  TIP: Provide high-res product photography to go along with a press release.

2. Operational Changes

When opening a new business location or relocating, expanding your operations, or maybe even going remote only, press releases are an effective way to inform the public, industry peers, and potential customers. Press releases can highlight the reasons behind the move, the benefits it brings, and the impact on the local community, raising positive perceptions and gaining media attention.

3. Organisational Announcements

Changes like the hiring or departure of company executives or key staff members, can significantly impact a business's image and reputation. Press releases provide an opportunity to communicate these transitions, emphasizing the skills and expertise of the incoming individuals and how that’s going to help your business, or acknowledging the contributions of those departing. This helps maintain transparency and instils confidence in stakeholders, including investors, partners, and employees.

4. Funding Announcements or Financial Results

Entrepreneurs often require funding to fuel their growth and innovation. Press releases can be instrumental in announcing funding rounds, strategic investments, or partnerships, attracting the attention of potential investors, venture capitalists, and industry experts. They can also be used to share financial results, demonstrating the business's growth trajectory and financial stability.

5. Breaking News or Industry Breakthroughs

When a business achieves a significant breakthrough or has news that impacts their industry, issuing a press release allows you to share ground-breaking research, technological advancements, or industry insights with the media, that will position you as market or thought leaders and will help you gain visibility within your respective fields.

6. Event announcements

You can use press releases to promote public or private events, such as conferences and award ceremonies. Press releases can include key details about the event, highlight notable speakers or presenters, and emphasize the value participants can gain by attending. This helps attract attendees, generate media coverage, and establish the entrepreneur or their brand as an authority in the industry.  Tip: Local coverage is good for events and remember to give the media enough notice about the event so they can diarise to attend or send a photographer.   

7. Publication Launches

Press releases can help launch new publications, whether it's a book, online magazine, or research report. By announcing these launches through a press release, entrepreneurs can generate interest, secure media coverage, and attract readership or subscribers to their publication.

8. Rebranding Initiatives or Partnerships

If your business is rebranding, for example launching new logo, redesigned website, or updated brand positioning, press releases are really useful to announce and explain these changes, as well as land new messaging.  They’re also a useful too to communicate strategic partnerships or collaborations, showcasing the features and benefits and amplifying brand visibility.

As an entrepreneur, understanding when to use a press release is crucial for effective communication and achieving your business objectives. Whether it's a product launch, financial announcement, industry breakthrough, or any other significant event or milestone, press releases provide a platform to

Other resources to help you with press releases:

Why Press Releases are important

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Kerryn Fields

Kerryn Fields has over 20 years of international PR experience having led the PR for global brands like AIG, VISA, Barclaycard and others. She now teaches entrepreneurs how to land coverage for themselves in 10 minutes a day, and specialises in supporting small business and startups in establishing their own PR functions.

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