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Elevate to Success founders Ellie McKay and Liz Baitson

Do I need a business mastermind?

November 19, 20236 min read

“The better you are at surrounding yourself with people of high potential, the greater your chance for success.” - John C. Maxwell

The road to success doesn't come with a roadmap, but luckily for us, there are plenty of high achievers with heart who want to help others to grow and succeed too. Learning from others who've not only survived, but thrived in the wild world of entrepreneurship is like having a cheat code for your own business adventure. Why reinvent the wheel when you can grab a few tips from those who've already fine-tuned their business vehicles?

One way to do this is by joining a mastermind but it's hard to find the right person and often they're so expensive, its out of reach of those starting out or not making enough money.

Read on to find out about a mastermind I've joined and why it's the perfect solution for every business owner with big dreams, a growth mindset and a small budget.

Elevate to Success logo and founders liz and ellie

Becoming an entrepreneur was one of the best decisions of my life. I loved the feeling of being alive when I helped other business owners by teaching or coaching them on how to get more visible and credible by promoting themselves and their business in magazines, newspapers or on podcasts.

It was lonely being an entrepreneur until I found my tribe...

I went searching for all the information I could absorb on creating digital products, building a website, digital marketing and running a business and it was intoxicating. But my head was spinning and I started to feel the void of not having anyone to turn to who could relate to what I was going through.  I wanted to brainstorm ideas and check my thinking with an objective outsider. I wanted to talk to someone about where I was getting stuck and share the ups and downs.  I was also still working full time so was juggling my business and kids and I was exhausted.  I started networking in entrepreneurial groups on Facebook but where some of them were relatively active, the majority were just about people promoting their offers.

A lucky break!

And then I stumbled on Clubhouse and somehow found myself in a group called High Net Connect run by Liz Baitson. Pretty quickly I found myself connecting with others in the group, and following Liz’s lead, we were all posting video introductions of ourselves and meeting each other in the weekly speed networking sessions. 

Role Models and a community

The people I met were some of the most genuine and kind people – and they were all entrepreneurs and business owners so we got each other.  And it made the world of difference.  I had found my tribe.  One of the people Liz introduced us to was Ellie Mckay who was the host of the UK’s #2 business podcast, ‘On a Mission’.   The interviews Ellie did with her guests were riveting – stories of how these inspiring business owners had overcome the most difficult of challenges and adversity to succeed and live their best lives, and help others, was deeply inspiring to me.  Ellie’s own story was incredible on it’s own too and she became a role model for me as someone who had started her own business and built it up from the ground while being a mom of three young kids.  There’s much more to it but that got me thinking that it was possible for me too.

Skip forward a few months and I did Liz’s year long mastermind and thanks to that and the connections I had made with the people in HNC, a new path opened up for me – and my eyes opened to the possibilities available to us all.

And then Liz and Ellie announced their new collaboration – Elevate to Success. 

I’ve learnt to trust these two formidable women so much that I didn’t even hesitate – I signed up for the club membership on the spot (I was one of the first).  

These sessions are phenomenal.  We’ve already had Simon Squibb, Mark Wright (the business man who won The Apprentice, not the reality TV star), Siam Kidd, Ollie Otterton and so many others giving us real insights into all things business, mindset, marketing and so on.  The conversations are intimate, raw and uncut and then we get half an hour to ask our questions to them too.  The sessions are packed with value and gold nuggets and are a ridiculous steal at the price.  

playlist of speakers

Simon’s talk inspired me to follow my heart which has already seen me bring in three new clients. Siam inspired me to look ahead at my investment strategy based on where he saw tech going. Ollie Otterton blew me away with his story and then he gave us golden nugget after golden nugget of business wisdom.

Royal Recognition

I can’t recommend Elevate to Success highly enough. Liz was awarded a British Empire Medal by going ‘above and beyond’ to change the world around her for the better – in her services to businesses and entrepreneurs.

Liz with her British Empire Medal and Ellie

There are three options for joining Elevate:

1)     £47 for one zoom session only (e.g. for December) - pay as you go really.

2)     £299 for and Annual Subscription to the monthly zoom sessions which works out at £24.50 a zoom session

3)     £997 for Club membership which includes a year’s access to the zoom sessions as well as a monthly ‘Business Clinic’ session with Liz and Ellie where you can ask them your business related questions and problems. It also includes two in person events and access to the private members only Facebook group.

You can join here:

Disclosure and a BONUS gift for you!

I only promote what I believe in and use myself so for full transparency, I'm an affiliate for Elevate to Success because I have reaped the rewards from this club already. So if you sign up and say I referred you, Liz and Ellie will pay me a commission. And as a way to say thank you, if you join the Annual Subscription* or Club membership** and say I referred you, I’ll give you a free coaching session where we’ll look at how you can get press coverage for your business and I’ll tailor it to where you’re at.

*30 mins coaching call

**1 hour coaching call

You can also watch my video where I talk through why I love Elevate (and Liz and Ellie), who it’s for and more about the different tiers and what I offer on my thank you coaching call. (Coming soon!)

To claim your coaching call, send me an email on showing proof of payment and I’ll send you my calendar booking link so we can arrange our call.

And I look forward to seeing you in the club and in our coaching call soon!

Other resources 

Check out some of my other PR resources on my website here

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Kerryn Fields

Kerryn Fields has over 20 years of international PR experience having led the PR for global brands like AIG, VISA, Barclaycard and others. She now teaches entrepreneurs how to land coverage for themselves in 10 minutes a day, and specialises in supporting small business and startups in establishing their own PR functions.

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